Pilot Real
Principal Investigator (last, first):
* must provide value
PI Email:
* must provide value
PI Department:
(If submission is from a Center/Institute, please select 'Other')
* must provide value
Biology Biomedical Engineering Computer Science Department of Anesthesiology Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Department of Cell Biology Department of Family Medicine & Community Health Department of Interventional Radiology Department of Medicine Department of Microbiology and Immunology Department of Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology Department of Neurological Surgery Department of Neurology Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology Department of Ophthalmology Department of Orthopaedics Department of Otolaryngology Department of Pathology Department of Pediatrics Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department of Physical Therapy Department of Physiology and Biophysics Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Department of Public Health Sciences Department of Radiation Oncology Department of Radiology DeWitt Daughtry Family Department of Surgery Department of Urology Dr. John T. Macdonald Foundation Department of Human Genetics Dr. Phillip Frost Department of Dermatology & Cutaneous Surgery Educational and Psychological Studies Kinesiology and Sport Sciences Psychology Other
Please specify Center/Institute.
* must provide value
PI Division:
* must provide value
Name of person completing intake form:
* must provide value
Email of person completing intake form:
* must provide value
Telephone number of person completing intake form:
* must provide value
IRB Status:
* must provide value
Under review
Study Title:
* must provide value
What is the main funding source of this study?
* must provide value
Internally funded
No funding
Please specify other funding source.
Limit 1000 characters
Is this a multisite study?
* must provide value
Is University of Miami the Coordinating Site?
* must provide value
What activity will the study involve? (select all that apply)
* must provide value
Please specify what other activities are involved.
Limit 1000 characters
Does this study involve ANY of the following?
Testing a drug, device, or biologic Pharmacovigilance study Interventional or surgical procedure Procedures, lab tests, or medical interventions that might be billed through UHealth or a commercial laboratory Prospectively assigns research subjects to one or more interventions Has a health-related biomedical or behavioral outcome Behavioral interventions, process of care changes, dietary changes, or physical therapy * must provide value
Please check all that apply:
* must provide value
Please specify:
* must provide value
Which research category does this study belong to? (select all that apply)
* must provide value
Please specify other Research Category
Is this study part of a research consortium or network?
* must provide value
Please specify the consortium or network name.
* must provide value
Limit 1000 characters
Will this study lead to future external funding?
* must provide value
Future grants funding
Future industry sponsored trials
Describe the impact and priority of the study. Please include details, such as the prevalence of the condition, burden of disease, variability in outcomes, and/or cost of care.
A brief description of the translational, clinical or public health impact of your research. Clearly state how a disease or group of diseases will be better diagnosed, treated or prevented, or how the successful completion of your research will improve human health.
* must provide value
Limit 1200 characters
What is the overall study duration (ie., from screening of the first participant through the end of the last participant's follow-up period)? Provide years and months
* must provide value
Please attach a protocol describing the study design and study therapy/treatment and any other supporting documents (e.g., study protocol, protocol synopsis, etc.)
* must provide value
How many sites are participating in this study?
* must provide value
Greater than 1
What is the total enrollment goal for all sites?
* must provide value
Unknown/Endpoint driven
no longer used
What is the total enrollment goal for all sites?
* must provide value
What is the expected enrollment goal for this site?
* must provide value
no longer used
What is the expected enrollment goal for this site?
* must provide value
What is the enrollment period for the study and/or this site?
Anticipated Start: *required
Anticipated End:
Anticipated Start
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y
Today M-D-Y
Has the PI confirmed that the proposed enrollment numbers will guarantee authorship/co-authorship for UM?
* must provide value
Additional information on Authorship:
Based on information provided, the proposed enrollment number at UM is less than 10% of the study wide enrollment goal.
Please elaborate above on why/how the PI has confirmed authorship/co-authorship for UM with this low enrollment number. You may attach any documentation (e.g., email) between the PI and the Sponsor of the agreement confirming authorship/co-authorship.
* must provide value
Will this study compete with other active accruing research projects underway?
A competing trial will be a study that is for the same condition and with similar inclusion and exclusion criteria.
* must provide value
No competing trials open in pipeline
1 competing trial open or in pipeline over next 6 months
2 or more competing trials currently open or in pipeline over next 6 months
Please describe rationale for wanting to move forward with this study.
* must provide value
Limit 1200 characters
For multicenter trials, what is the current overall study status?
* must provide value
Sponsor is still identifying sites; enrollment has not started for any site (early site identification/selection)
Sponsor is still selecting sites, enrollment is underway (ongoing site identification)
Sponsor is identifying additional or "add-on" sites to keep project on target and/or boost overall enrollment (late site identification)
Unable to confirm
Will this study focus on an underserved or underrepresented population?Â
Underserved would include disadvantaged populations with little to no access to healthcare such as homeless and/or populations with significant literacy, language, socioeconomic, mental, physical barriers to healthcare.
Underrepresented population refers to a subgroup of the population whose representation is disproportionately low relative to their numbers in the general population, or in the case of clinical trials or patient registries, disease population. The subgroups may be identified by race, ethnicity, age, sex, gender, socioeconomic status, etc.
* must provide value
Will this study serve a rare disease type (such as a disease that affects only a small percentage of the population and may be chronic, genetic, and/or lack effective treatment options) ?
* must provide value
Are there concerns or potential barriers with study inclusion/exclusion criteria?
* must provide value
Please describe barriers and rationale for wanting to move forward with this study.
* must provide value
Limit 1200 characters
Are you recruiting UHealth patients?
* must provide value
Feasibility Analysis:
Describe how you have verified that you have the patient population available to support research study objectives.Â
This would include providing detailed information about the number of cases, clinic or hospital volumes, registry volumes or queries.Â
* must provide value
Attach the feasibility check/query/report you have performed using existing tools (e.g., Oneness Research Solution (ORS), Slicer Dicer). Helpful Resource: Research Feasibility Resources
How will you recruit patients for this study (e.g., budget for advertisements and promotion of study, participant compensation, provider referrals, etc.)?
* must provide value
Limit 1200 characters
If a detailed recruitment plan is available, please attach to this form.
Type of research setting:
* must provide value
Which location(s) and site(s) will any study-related activities be performed? (select all that apply)
(This includes research team space, equipment, patient visits and care)
* must provide value
Please specify any other location.
* must provide value
Limit 1000 characters
Are study activities expected to occur outside of regular business hours (e.g., weekend admissions, daily inpatient pharmacokinetic collections, daily inpatient infusions, etc.)?
* must provide value
Please describe how you plan to address study needs (e.g., on-call coverage, limit recruitment to specific days/times).
* must provide value
Limit 1200 characters
Does the study require additional research assessments beyond standard of care such as patient reported outcomes, neurocognitive assessments, neuroimaging, clinical symptoms severity (clinician or self-reported), imaging, pathology services, and/or invasive procedures? Select "yes" if the study team will have to rely on and coordinate with health system or external collaborators to administer study requirements such as phantom (or "practice") scans, equipment certification, additional assessments, training or equipment.
* must provide value
Please specify what research assessments are needed.
* must provide value
Limit 1000 characters
Has the PI and/or study team confirmed that the institution has the capacity/resources to accommodate this study? (e.g., imaging, pathology services)
* must provide value
Are you a first time Principal Investigator to Clinical Trials?
* must provide value
Do you have mentor with experience in clinical trials who has agreed to support in this trial?
* must provide value
Please include the name of your mentor and complete this Clinical Trial Faculty Support Form. Make sure to complete the entire form and sign the corresponding places.
Name of Mentor:
* must provide value
Clinical Trial Faculty Support Form Attachment:
* must provide value
PI Experience: How many previous studies has the PI served in site PI role?
* must provide value
0-1 studies
2-5 studies
6-10 studies
Greater than 10 studies
PI Workload: What is the current total number of accruing trials for the PI?
* must provide value
1-4 accruing studies
5-10 accruing studies
Greater than 10 studies
Indicate your past performance, in terms of overall enrollment, on similar projects.
* must provide value
Exceeded enrollment target
Met enrollment target
Below enrollment target
Not Applicable
CRC/RN research experience: How many trials has the study CRC/RN served in the lead CRC/RN role?
* must provide value
0-1 studies
2-5 studies
6-10 studies
Greater than 10 studies
CRC/RN Workload: How many active accruing studies are currently assigned to lead CRC/RN?
* must provide value
1-4 accruing studies
5-10 accruing studies
Greater than 10 studies
Does study require unblinded or additional research support staff?
* must provide value
Pending PI Confirmation Pending Administrative Review Administrative Review Complete Reviews complete, Chair Sign-off Closed, No review required Approved Disapproved Pending more information Withdrawn Duplicate Entry
Confirmation Recieved - Pending Admin Review Approved Disapproved N/A
Appeal #1 Submission Date:
Today M-D-Y
Today M-D-Y
Appeal #1 Letter (from PI):
Approved Disapproved N/A
Appeal #2 Submission Date:
Today M-D-Y
Today M-D-Y
Appeal #2 Letter (from PI):
No Clinical Study Extension Study Purview of SCCC Not Applicable
Last Modification - Pending Review
pipe value for pending review
Pending Administrative Review - Status Date:
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Last Modification - Admin Review Complete
pipe value for pending review
Administrative Review Complete - Status Date:
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Last Mod = Closed, No review
Closed, No review required - Status Date:
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Disapproved - Status Date:
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Pending more information - Status Date:
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Last Mod = Reviews complete, Chair Signoff
Reviews Completed, Chair Signoff - Status Date:
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Last Mod = Duplicate Entry
Duplicate Entry - Status Date:
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Pending Administrative Review - Status Date:
Today M-D-Y
Closed, No review required - Status Date:
Today M-D-Y
Administrative Review Complete - Status Date:
Today M-D-Y
Today M-D-Y
Disapproved - Status Date:
Today M-D-Y
Pending more information - Status Date:
Today M-D-Y
Administrative Action Items:
Send RFC Approval Letter?
Assigned Review - Status Date:
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